Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Diamond Crooks vs. Diamond Running

I know many of you have been curious as to whether diamond runners and diamond crooks are the same thing (or, perhaps more correctly, do diamond crooks perform diamond running?)? Well, since we haven't had the opportunity to speak directly with Mr. Cheeba and Mr. Suede, the following is the best explaination to quell your curiosity:

Diamond running and diamond crooks can be one in the same or they can be two different syndicates.

In a smaller organization, the diamond crooks also perform the diamond running (usually in a Mercury Sable) so as to avoid large overheads. However, once the syndicate expands, different delegates are tasked for the separate functions, i.e., diamond crooks and diamond running. It is at this point where things like sailing from Cancun, dancing under Paris moons, and German's pouring kahlua espouse the international flavor of such an operation.

All told, however, both diamond crooks and diamond runners must stop, bless the war chief for his bison, and remember that at one point they all ate their Honeycomb cereal with big spoons.

If any Camp Lo experts would like to elaborate on this discussion, your thoughts would be appreciated.

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